To ensure that your leather bags remain beautiful for as long as possible, we recommend that you handle them with special care, as scratches and natural wear and tear can occur.

When not in use, fill and store this accessory in the protective dust bag received at purchase. To maintain its appearance, we recommend that you use this item with care and avoid excessive exposure to direct moisture and greasy products. If the leather gets wet, allow it to dry and wipe it gently with a soft cloth to maintain the original color and avoid water spots.

Our bags are constructed with natural tanned leather. Therefore, it is a delicate product, and any incidental tonal variations, marks or grain are natural characteristics, and should not consider imperfections.

Some materials, such as suede, may transfer colors. Therefore, we recommend avoiding repeated contact with other colored material and avoiding excessive exposure to heat and direct light, as it can lower its intensity. Some of our editions are made with fragile materials, so it is advisable that you become aware of this before making your purchase.




The manufacturing process of our bags is carried out in Spanish artisan workshops. Each piece requires an estimated time of one day only for the sewing process, without considering the times of pattern, cut and selection of each of the materials; which is previously supervised in quality control.

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